Exporting gives Aussie businesses endless opportunities to sell their products with anyone around the globe. Smart Australian business owners have realised the potential of International markets and are expanding their business and sales into markets around the world. Australia has plenty of Free Trade agreements, below is a list of free trade agreements in place with countries around the world.
Australia – New Zealand (ANZCERTA or CER)
China – Australia (ChAFTA)
Singapore – Australia (SAFTA)
Australia – USA (AUSFTA)
Thailand – Australia (TAFTA)
Australia – Chile (AClFTA)
ASEAN – Groups together 8 countries – Australia, New Zealand, Brunei, Burma, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Vietname
Malaysia – Australia (MAFTA)
Korea – Australia (KAFTA)
Japan – Australia (JAEPA)
If you are Exporting from Australia, you will have to know some importing export information and processes involved. Getting Export sales is one thing, then managing the procedures to get your goods exported to your customer is another. When Exporting goods from Australia there is so much vital paperwork required to get your goods delivered to the port, cleared customs, loaded onto the correct vessel shipped through to your buyer. The paperwork is different for each shipment, it’s complicated, confusing and must be completed on time or you will miss shipments or face heavy penalties.
IncoDocs brings Exporting into the digital world. It gives Exporters one platform to seamlessly create all documents required and get your goods shipped, fast! Exporters will no longer have to waste time and money switching between multiple systems, software and websites to try to create all of the documents that they need. IncoDocs eliminates repetitive manual data entry and ensure that all documents are 100% compliant. Create your docs and get your goods shipped so you can get back to growing your business and expanding your sales across the globe!