A lot of business owners and Managers have always had the idea in the back of their head that one day they will import their products directly from factories in Asia. They know that if they can properly source and import the correct products from China to Australia, their business will benefit by increasing profit margins, or by reducing operating costs.
A lot of questions immediately spring to mind. Where do you start sourcing the correct factory and the correct grade products? Who are the reputable factories to deal with in China? How do I know they can manufacture exactly what I need? How do I calculate the all of the currency exchange, freight, import duties and taxes for imported goods? What is my final landed price of these imported goods in Australia? How do I base my business plan around consistent flow of imported goods? These important questions must be solved to successfully import your products directly from China.
Then we have all heard of the horror stories of when people have tried importing from overseas. We’ve heard of the people who have imported products from a factory in China yet run into problems with suppliers, shipping, timeframes, increased costs or faulty products. Truth is, more often than not it is the people who have gone about the importing process the wrong way or have not put the correct procedures in place who have encountered such problems.
If you correctly navigate through these important factors, you will establish a long term reliable importing solution for your business. Many Australian businesses are already importing their products directly from China, you just need to ensure that you get everything right from the beginning and put the correct procedures in place to avoid having issues. When you find the right products, deal with the right suppliers, create long term relationships, put appropriate quality control procedures in place, know how to efficiently import products into Australia, then you will be able to unlock the potential of importing goods for your business.
If you have ever thought about importing goods from China for your business but not sure where to start, give us a call to discuss how we can solve these issues and get you importing today. At Landed Price we understand the issues faced when businesses look at importing goods from China to Australia. We use our knowledge, experience and understanding to overcome all of these issues and make importing easy.